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Ventilating & airing

Give your house some air

Most of the time, the air in your house is of poorer quality than the air outside. To keep the air in your house healthy and clean, it’s important to regularly air and ventilate. It’s an absolute necessity for a healthy house. It allows you to avoid moist and other hazardous substances piling up and causing health problems like irritated eyes, headache, nausea, etc.

‘Ventilate all day long and air additionally’.

Ventilating is continuously refreshing the air in your house. The moist and polluted air inside is thus continuously changed with fresh, oxygen-rich air from outside. By ventilating well and continuously, you improve the quality of the air inside and your health!

How to ventilate?

  • Via a controlled, mechanical ventilation system
  • Open the windows an inch
  • Make sure there’s a good air flow by opening windows that are opposite each other

Airing is widely opening the windows and doors that are in contact with the air outside. That’s how you create a short, but sizeable gust of ‘fresh’ air. It supplements permanent ventilation. You can do this several times a day for a quarter of an hour. The effect of airing is gone half an hour after you closed the window.

Use the following tips to optimally ventilate and air your house:

  • Clean ventilation grids regularly (every 3 months): open them and remove the dust and dirt.
  • Air extra after certain activities like showering, bathing and cooking.
  • Put the heater off during airing.
  • Ventilate and air in winter as well.
  • Try not to dry your laundry inside to avoid a high moisture level.
  • Use a damper during cooking.

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Article in pdf: Ventilating and airing.pdf